October 20, 2024

Daxx’s Adventures

12 December 12


Author : Daxx

Daxx’s Adventures

What up guys, Braddock’s teaching the infamous Inner Game seminar on Dec 15th. I highly highly highly recommend you go if you can make it happen. The most lifechanging seminar I’ve ever been to by far. Here’s more info on it – Let me guess? When you are talking to a girl you are not attracted to, you have the greatest game ever!

But when you are talking to a 9 or a 10…

*You feel like you can’t think of anything to say. *You become self conscious about everything you say and how she takes it. *You feel nervous for no good reason. *You become hyper sensitive and notice ANY negative reaction you think she might have given. Guess what? You are not crazy. Over my years and years of teaching dating workshops to countless men all over the world, that is one of the MOST common inner game sticking points I hear. Guess what else? I have personally experienced that feeling countless times and used to think there was something wrong with me or think I didn’t deserve girls who made me feel like that. It took me years to unwind what was going on there and how to remedy that. See, as guys, we have the ability to unplug from “the game” anytime we want by simply not approaching. But, a beautiful woman can NEVER unplug from the game. A girl who is beautiful at 18 will be hit on so much by the time she is 24 that she has more reference experiences than you and I combined will EVER have.

This means a few things:

1. Her inner game on what she can and can’t get is rock solid. She literally gets reminded every day she leaves her house that she has quality men who want to pursue her. Despite her other insecurities and potential craziness, at minimum she has deep powerful inner game in the area of abundance. (This is a powerful inner game tool.) 2. She can smell fear, fake cockiness, games, meekness, fake strength, etc… a mile away. She has literally seen it all and has had every different type of guy hit on her countless times.

We can use these two principals to our advantage…and they are BOTH inner game principals…

In the inner game seminar, we go over the factors that cause you to feel that locked up feeling around beautiful women and give you steps to destroy that. Once you beat it, you will feel silly that you ever felt that way or if you ever do have it crop back up, you’ll have a road map to stamp it out again. There is absolutely no reason that something like this should plague you year after year. The absolutely worst part about this is not the nervousness or the discomfort you feel…or even the blowout it may cause.

I knew there was a gap between what I was getting and what I knew I deserved.

Nothing used to piss me off more than when someone would say this to me about a girl I was dating who was a very average girl in my eyes, “What’s wrong with her? She’s smart and sweet and really likes you. You are just too picky.” NO! Screw that. I knew that wasn’t the case. At that level I knew the women I could have and they bored me. I knew what I wanted but I clammed up around it.

The worst part of this is how painful it is to know that beautiful woman after beautiful woman NEVER get to see the real you. You keep losing great women over the most awkward version of yourself!

I spent literally YEARS going through this. Every time it happened I knew I wouldn’t give up, but it honestly made me feel defeated, hollow, and harder to face the next time. At times I would question, “Maybe I don’t deserve this, is it possible that I get nervous around them because deep down I know girls like that would never like me?”

I knew I had to crack the code and figure out how to be as congruent around average women as I was around beautiful women.

Thoughts like, “Maybe I don’t deserve this, is it possible that I get nervous around them because deep down I know girls like that would never like me?” are 1/2 bullshit and 1/2 real. There are likely things you need to upgrade in your life that would also cause you to naturally calm down and feel better around these top tier women. However, the other half to this story is that those thoughts above are complete bullshit. Your best self should be accessible regardless of any outside variables. Those outside positive variables (i.e. looks, money, clothes, social circle) should be bonus points that push an already strong self over the edge. Those things help with the top tier women and might even be important for consistently keeping and attracting a lot of them, but they should have nothing NOTHING to do with your swagger shining through no matter what your external circumstances are.

Are you ready to get this handled?

If this is something that has plagued you, it’s time to stamp this out forever and start showing your true self to beautiful women. It took me years of banging my head against the wall to finally break through this, but you don’t have to do that. To be honest, most guys don’t have the time, tenacity, or skill to break through this inner game sticking point on their own. I love teaching this stuff because seeing guys shed years of pain in frustration and being able to make the light bulb go off in their head gives me a deep level of pleasure. If you are ready for that light bulb and ready to take your inner game to the next level…not where you just feel happy…not where you just talk yourself up…but where you feel bullet proof in the face of value/beauty/adversity…then come see me in LA and let’s put you on that path. I’m teaching my 1-day Inner Game Seminar on December 15 in Hollywood, California. If you are interested in signing up right away, click here. For more information you can call Jeremy who does all our over-the-phone booking at: Jeremy: 323.836.0150

Or go to http://www.lovesystems.com/training-programs/inner-game and go to the bottom of the page.

Hope to see you guys there,



07 June 11

London’s Last Chance!!

Author : Daxx

Daxx’s Adventures

Hey guys,

Are you ready to change your ability with women and dating FOREVER?

I’ll take a wild guess that you’re reading this because you DO want to change your situation with women. Whether is be –

  • Stop getting in the friend zone
  • Stop dating women who picked you
  • Start taking action and changing your dating life, NOW
  • You want to be in control of who you meet and date
  • You want to start meeting and dating the women you have always thought were “out of your league.”

What myself & Braddock teach at our bootcamps & seminars works regardless of age, race, income, or looks.

Braddock and I are making a rare trip to the UK THIS WEEK! We are offering 3 (that’s THREE) different programs! Here they are:

June 9: The exclusive (and rare) Same Night Lays seminar [Click here to sign up]

June 10-12: Transform your game at our 3 Day Bootcamp [Click here to sign up]
June 13: And finally, finish off with the Inner Game seminar [Click here to sign up]

Braddock has taught all over the world, from Australia to Los Angeles to Amsterdam and beyond, and I’ve seen firsthand the incredible talent & skill he has honed.

A Love Systems bootcamp is a truly life changing experience. Over the course of three days you will learn the ins and outs of how to meet the women you have always wanted. With 15 hours of seminar on how to master your dating life and 8 hours of LIVE IN-FIELD training (with Braddock & I by your side), your dating life will be forever altered, giving you the ability to live the lifestyle that may have seemed like a distant dream beforehand.

If you’ve followed Love Systems for any length of time you probably know who Braddock is, but in case you’ve been living under a rock, here’s a quick reminder:

Braddock’s story is one of tremendous commitment and perseverance. Athletic in his youth, Braddock was popular and well-liked by everyone in his small hometown; he just assumed success with women would always be that easy. In his move from small-town Bible-belt America to a major university he unknowingly lost status and value that he thought was inherent in him. His reality was shattered from the first time he set foot on campus. He struggled his first couple of years of college to meet and attract women.

From dating Ms. Hooters to picking up a woman on the Maxim top 100, Braddock has ran the full gauntlet. He went from the lowest of the lows to consistently dating some of the hottest women in the Midwest. His trials have lead him to have a great passion for teaching students the skill set that set him free from years on confusion and pain.

In addition to being one of the best speakers on the Love Systems team, Braddock is one of the top leaders in dating science. His contribution to the understanding of this field has been immense, and has seen the creation of many revolutionary new dating concepts – from the life transforming ‘Inner Game Seminar’ to the equally mind-blowing ‘Social Circle Mastery’: the ultimate guide to living the playboy lifestyle.

A lot of Love Systems’ teaching may seem counter-intuitive, but we are the ones putting it on the line every single day. Braddock is living proof of this and hundreds of testimonials from men all over the world who have taken his bootcamps will not only testify that what Braddock teaches works, they’ll confirm that he truly does practice what he preaches and lives the rockstar lifestyle.

These are some of the amazing reviews from students about Braddock:

“Straight up: if you are reading these reviews questioning whether you should sign up for a boot camp , do it. Braddock ’s LA boot camp with Andrew, Bonsai , and Dubbsy was worth way more than what I paid. Everyone says that these boot camps are life changing for one reason, it’s because they are.”

Source: Søren, The Attraction Forums – full review available here

“The bootcamp was life changing to say the least. Braddock is amazing at his ability to articulate concepts that we needed to grasp in order to perfect our game. Braddock creates a very laid back and inviting vibe in his seminars and has a passion and energy for what he teaches”

Source: MadStriker, The Attraction Forums – full review available here

Other reviews of Braddock’s legendary programs are available here.

Don’t delay! Grab your spot before they’re all sold out!

June 9: The exclusive (and rare) Same Night Lays seminar [Click here to sign up]

June 10-12: Transform your game at our 3 Day Bootcamp [Click here to sign up]
June 13: And finally, finish off with the Inner Game seminar [Click here to sign up] If you have any questions before you sign up, contact our Program Manager at –

Mail: [email protected]

Phone: +1 (323) 836-0150

Can’t wait to meet you in London!



27 February 11

Rule #673: Bros before Hos!

Author : Daxx

Daxx’s Adventures

Rule# 673: Thou shalt never asketh a broseph if you can hit on his ex. In fact, once a broheim is finished with his ex, you are done with her too.


20 January 11

Social Circle Mastery – LAUNCHED TODAY!

Author : Daxx

Daxx’s Adventures

Social Circle Mastery


Have you ever wanted to live the playboy life style & consistently date the hottest girls that you know? Of course, we all do. But let me guess, you didn’t know how.

Something Braddock says in Social Circle Mastery is ‘Think of cold approach game like hunting, and social circle game like farming. Cold approach game, we all need to ‘eat’, we all get ‘hungry’, so sometimes we’ll take down the ‘easy kill’ even though we want the top prize. Social Circle game is a whole new game, you plant the seed & let it grow, then when it’s ready you pick & choose the finest crops with ease, there’s no more hunting involved.

Get Your Copy Here RIGHT NOW Before All Spaces Are Filled! (only 1,000 spaces and they’re filling fast)

Social Circle Mastery Launched TODAY!

Today is the launch of Social Circle Mastery, it truly is the key that opens the door in to the world of a lifestyle FILLED with 10s that WANT to date you.

It is similar to building celebrity status, and tells you the exact steps and process on how to do so.

You know those guys who just seem to know everyone, everyone talks about them, they’re always at the hottest parties & events, yet they don’t have money, nor are they that good looking, they just have something about them that you can’t put your finger on. Social Circle Mastery reveals the secrets that you can discover & use to become the guy that everyone wants to know, and that every girl wants to date.

No longer worry about cold approaching or getting blown out,when you’ve learned the secrets in Social Circle Mastery & start to apply them, the approach is no longer a cold approach, it  is now a warm or even hot approach because the girls WANT to meet you!

Get Your Copy Here RIGHT NOW Before All Spaces Are Filled!

Date The Hottest Girls On The Planet

It truly is dating science in it’s finest form. Without Social Circle Mastery, trying to consistently date and meet the hottest girls on the planet is so much more effort than is necessary. With Social Circle Mastery you get way more done with much less work, it truly is the key to the rockstar lifestyle that we all aspire to.

HOWEVER there are only 1,000 space available for Social Circle Mastery so if you truly want to unlock your life and enter the world of a playboy living the rockstar lifestyle you need to make sure you don’t miss out!

Get Your Copy Here RIGHT NOW Before All Spaces Are Filled!

Social Circle Mastery is just one of the incredible Love Systems products designed to teach you how to get women!


10 September 10

Love Systems Super Conference 2010

Author : Daxx

Daxx’s Adventures

It’s coming up to that time of year again… the LOVE SYSTEMS SUPER CONFERENCE 2010! Check out the video from last year’s super conference below – It was a life changing experience for all attendees as well as the instructors. What better place to host the Super Conference than Las Vegas too. Vegas is the Disneyland for adults, an remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! It truly is the best opportunity to go crazy for a weekend & let loose & no one will ever know. VEGAS BABY!!!

Last year was a blast, literally the most successful super conference yet, with the line up the Love Systems Superconference 2010 has this year, it is going to top last year by far without a doubt! It’s going to be the best Super Conerence yet bar none.

Tickets are NEARLY SOLD OUT so to make sure you don’t miss out you can get your ticket to the best Super Conference to date here – Love Systems Super Conference 2010 Tickets

I’ve seen the schedule of talks that are lined up for the SC this year, and I can’t wait for it myself. If I knew how much the Love Systems Super Conference would have accelerated my learning curve with attracting the types of girls I was interested in when I was in my prime of my learning it would have saved me so much time. I wish some one had told me about the LS SC!

You’ll get access to meet & learn from all of the Love Systems team of instructors as well as many hand picked special guests who are and picked because they’re the best of the best. You don’t want to miss this one, there’s nothing else like it! Hope to see you there! Daxx

You can get your tickets for the Love Systems Super Conference 2010 here – CLICK HERE


27 June 10

Internship Opportunity in Los Angeles with Daxx & Braddock

Author : Daxx

Daxx’s Adventures

Internship Opportunity in Los Angeles with Daxx & Braddock

Video Intern

We need an intern that has access to camera equipment & experience in filming/videoing. Video editing skills aren’t necessary, we just need someone who has experience in videoing/filming & has access to the necessary camera & filming equipment.

What Is Required of You

The shooting will be in & close to the Los Angeles area so ideally you will need to be located close enough to where you can travel to film where necessary. We’ll need you to film 2 hours a a day a couple days a week for several months. It will mostly be 2 days a week (sometimes 1 day a week, and maybe 3 days but that will be rare).

About You

Where you are in game is irrelevant. We’re looking for someone who comes into new things with a positive approach and the attitude to learn. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOU DELIVER ON YOUR WORD!

What You Will Get

After we’ve gone through each application & chosen the final guy we decide to award the intern position to we’ll meet up & discuss what’s required. After completing the tasks outlined, you will gain access to a Braddock Bootcamp that I’ll be at as well as also getting free access to all of our ebooks and interview series (Worth Over $5,000 Altogether)

If you impress with your work, there may also be future opportunities to work with us in another intern opportunity, approach coach or junior instructor.

How To Apply

Send an email to [email protected] with “Video/Filming intern” in the subject line.

The email should include:

– A cover note within the email of why you think you are suitable for this position & any previous filming / videoing experience

– Phone and email contact details

We’ll try and get back to all applications whether it’s a yes, no or maybe.

This thread will be closed when the internship opportunity has been taken,

Braddock & Daxx

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