28 September 09
Daxx’s Adventures
Just got back from talking at the PUA summit, Bonsai was there representing Love Systems too. Had a blast at the summit and now got the Super Conference in Vegas to look forward to!
Was my first big event talk today, was excited as I hadn’t done a talk before that was – 1. In front of 200+ guys and girls and 2. Was being recorded on film.
Got awesome feedback from everyone that sat in on my talk & was glad to hear it was new material that guys hadn’t heard before. I spoke about Takeaways and Boundaries that myself and Braddock did an interview series on, and forgot to mention our buddy Larry that has the hardest boundaries and takeaways out of anyone we know, and has endless hot girls leave his bedroom week in week out so shout out goes to Larry P.
Next is the Super Conference, and know a few guys from the PUA Summit today are gonna be there too. What better place to go tear up for a weekend than the Disney Land for adults that is Vegas! Can’t wait for it, will be keeping tabs on all the blog worthy stories that I hear about over that weekend!
If you haven’t secured your place at the Super Conference yet we’re going to be there from the 9th – 11th October so you can secure your place by clicking here!
